Meet Ginnie Peters
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Ginnie is a 10 lb Silkie Terrier who is full of energy and sass. She came to live with her family after her original adopters discovered that she was WAY too much for them to handle, especially in an apartment setting. Ginnie needed a big backyard, some canine siblings, and regular daycare attendance to be a happy and fulfilled puppy.
- Upon arriving at her new home, Ginnie quickly disrupted the peace that had once resided there. Her constant barking and demand for attention was difficult for her new family. Her Mom immediately sought the help of a professional trainer. She also made sure Ginnie would meet all of the requirements at Doggy Daycare and Spa when she turned 5 months old so she could begin attending immediately.
- When she first enrolled at Doggy Daycare and Spa, Ginnie was a little shy. Being around so many dogs was a bit overwhelming, but she quickly made friends and began enjoying attending 2 times per week with her “big” sister and brother. Ginnie loves hanging out with her Hip Hound friends Baylor and Pippa.
- Along with regular daycare attendance, Ginnie doesn’t mind spending the night at Doggy Daycare and Spa when her family is out of town. She snuggles right up with her siblings surrounded by her own belongings in a place where she is familiar and safe. Ginnie also benefits from regular visits to the Spa for baths, haircuts, and nail trims. While getting groomed is by far not Ginnie’s favorite thing, her Mom and Dad sure do appreciate it when she comes home clean.
- When she’s not helping her teachers at Doggy Daycare and Spa by bossing all the other dogs around, Ginnie spends her time at home bossing her canine siblings, human brother, and Mom and Dad around. She insists on going in and out at least 450 times per day, and will bark incessantly if she doesn’t get her way. She is by far the most difficult dog her family has ever had, but she is also hilarious and full of personality.
- A favorite game of Ginnie’s is “tug” which she plays with her big sister, Carly, who is a golden retriever. While Carly is certainly big enough to win every time, she plays gently with her little sister and Ginnie gets to win sometimes too! Another fun game is chase around the backyard which she does with her big brother Karets. Ginnie would be lost without her canine siblings and they without her.
- This holiday season, Ginnie hopes to get some new toys, especially chew bones and tug toys which she will share with her canine siblings. She is also hoping that it doesn’t get cold because she has a hard time when the temperatures outside are too chilly.