Meet Cuisle McGreal!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Cuisle is a Labradoodle who was born on May 7, 2014. His Mom was originally looking to add a female mini goldendoodle to her family, but after some persuading by a good friend, she determined that a 75lb male labradoodle was the perfect fit for her!
- “Cuisle mo Chroí” means “Pulse of my Heart” in Irish. It is pronounced, “KOOSH-lih muh KREE”. It is an Irish endearment. There is an Irish song called Buile mo Chroi by Karen Casey that has a verse in Irish followed by the English translation. Buile mo Chroi means, “Beat of My Heart”. Cuisle enjoys listening to this song, probably because he hears his name in it!
- Through word of mouth, Cuisle’s Mom learned about Doggy Daycare and Spa and enrolled him in Daycare twice per week. He loved playing with his doggy friends and his Mom found comfort in knowing that he was happy while she was away for work. Cuisle also enjoys spending the night when his Mom travels and never misses his pampering appointments with the Spa Specialists! Cuisle originally attended the Lansing location of Doggy Daycare and Spa, but was one of the first to transfer to the Okemos location when it opened in 2015.
- When Cuisle isn’t hanging out with the other hip hounds, his favorite place to be is with his Mom. He has a doggy bed beside her home office desk and follows her everywhere around the house. He also enjoys spending time in his backyard regardless of rain or snow. The backyard is his personal hunting grounds and he has presented his Mom multiple times with baby rabbits. Fortunately for the bunnies, Cuisle has a soft mouth and they are never injured.
- While he is kind to baby bunnies, Cuisle will destroy a plush squeaker toy in 2 minutes or less. Rather than continuously subject these innocent plushies to certain distruction, Cuisle now only has firm rubber toys to play with, of which Nessie the Sea Monster and the Sword in the Stone are his favorites.
- Cuisle has never needed anyone to teach him any tricks… he came up with them on his own! For some time, his Mom couldn’t figure out how he was escaping his “Little Home” (aka his crate). They finally figured out that he was putting his paw underneath the bottom and flipping the gate up until the latch was undone! What a smart boy!
- Cuisle’s second favorite song after Buile mo Chroi is “Reunited” by Peaches & Herb which his Mom sang to him after he spent a considerable amount of time at MSU vet clinic for treatment of his Addison’s disease. When he returned home, he would lay on his side and his Mom would hold his paw as she sang to him. Years later, he still gets in “position” each day as a request to be serenaded.
- As a special present, Cuisle’s human sister commissioned a children’s book illustrator to paint a portrait of Cuisle. Kim Shaw has illustrated Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun, the Crayon Kids Art Adventure, and other children’s books. Kim completed two portraits of the handsome Cuisle. The paintings are absolutely beautiful and we truly hope you enjoy them as much as we do!