Meet Byron & Zion!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Byron is a Bernese Mountain Dog who will celebrate his 10th birthday on February 16, 2023 and Zion is a Berne-doodle who turned 4 years old on June 15. These are fun-loving canine brothers who are both admitted “foster fails” and have both truly benefited from the companionship they provide each other as well as their regular attendance at Doggy Daycare and Spa.
- Prior to attending Daycare, Byron was an especially anxious dog. Daycare has provided him stability and friendships with other dogs which has helped calm him. It has also allowed him to be a good example for his younger brother Zion, who also suffered from extreme anxiety when he first came to live with his Mom. He would cower around men and hide from strangers. He is now confident enough that he can accept a treat from a strange man and will greet people rather than cower.
- Regular attendance at Doggy Daycare and Spa has provided the boys with a way to burn off extra energy and give their Mom a break, especially Zion. In fact, often times while Zion is at Daycare, Byron and his Mom celebrate “Myron Day” when the two of them spend the day together. Their Mom is also grateful knowing they are taking care of by people they know and care about them when she is away and the boys need to stay overnight.
- Byron, true to Bernese Mountain Dog nature, enjoys spending his time with his people. He loves his mommy and all his aunties and has never met a stranger. He shines with the attention he receives when he visits the pet store and people tell him how handsome he is. At home, Byron can often time be found napping on the couch.
- Zion loves snuggle time with his mommy. He also enjoys doing zoomies in the backyard. Additionally, he enjoys playing with his toys and running around the house. One of his favorite past times is when he steals mommy’s shoes, paper towel, or toilet paper and sprints through the house to be chased. While his brother naps on the couch, Zion spends his time looking out the window and commenting on each of the neighbors’ movements.
- Both dogs are super smart, but Byron’s best trick is making mom feel guilty by giving her puppy eyes and making strangers believe that he is starving. He also does what the Berner dance which is him on his back, all four legs in the air, and he just wiggles on the floor back and forth. Zion’s best trick is giving paw so he can shake hands.
- If Byron and Zion could talk, they would assure their Mom to not feel bad when she has to travel for work and they have to spend the night, that they really are ok. They would tell her they are well taken care of and they play with each other and their friends. They are so thankful she found Doggy Daycare and Spa for them.
- This month, Byron and Zion are relocating to another state. Zion has lived in Indiana, Michigan, and soon the new state. Byron has lived in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Michigan, and soon the new state. They will miss their friends at Doggy Daycare and Spa immensely! The new state brings new smells, a new home to make their own, a new backyard, a new neighborhood to sniff, and for Zion, new windows to look out of.
- Good luck on your new adventure boys, and please know that we are going to miss you too.