Meet Bowie and Teeko!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Bowie and Teeko are Siberian Husky siblings who were born on April 15, 2010. They joined the Wisniewski family on April 11, 2015 when they were adopted from Waggin’ Tails Dog Rescue. Their Mom says that they are the perfect examples of the wonderful dogs available for adoption from a rescue organization. They came to her completely potty trained and well behaved. They were the perfect fit for their Mom at the perfect time in her life and she states “I couldn’t have been luckier!”
- The brother and sister duo have been attending Daycare at Doggy Daycare and Spa weekly since their adoption in 2015. They love getting out of the house to work off some energy and get super excited when they watch their Mom getting the car ready to take them! They enjoy hanging out with the human team members just as much as the other hip hounds. Along with Daycare, Bowie and Teeko enjoy regular visits to the Spa, which keeps their double coats healthy and helps with shedding. Boarding is also a breeze for both dogs since they are so accustomed to being at Doggy Daycare and Spa. It truly is their home away from home.
- When they aren’t hanging out at Doggy Daycare and Spa, Bowie and Teeko LOVE going on walks. Teeko also enjoys spending lazy days on her Mom’s bed like a Princess. Bowie, on the other hand, loves to sleep outside surrounded by his giant “dinosaur” (femur) bones.
- Being huskies, both dogs love to be outside. Bowie polices this neighborhood from behind the fence of his yard while Teeko sings with the firetruck every time it sounds its siren. And living next to a fire station, this happens often. Teeko is a solo artist and prefers to perform alone and does not like it if the neighbor dogs attempt to join her.
- Both Bowie and Teeko are super smart, however, true to their husky nature, they follow commands on their terms. Bowie can be convinced to sit and lay down for a treat. Teeko will fetch a ball… once. If it is thrown again, she simply stares at her Mom in disgust and walks away. Her Mom has yet to figure out what she should be doing with the ball (LOL)
- If Bowie could give his Mom any advice, it would be that he is disappointed in the amount of treats he gets each day and that she should work harder on that.
- If Teeko could give her Mom advice, it would be to take a nap in the sun spot that comes through the window.
- Both dogs are looking forward to more walks as the snow melts off and spring gets closer. Bowie particularly enjoys walking on a sidewalk. In fact, if his pack is walking in the street because there is no sidewalk, as soon as one comes into view, he immediately moves to get to the sidewalk. What great dogs!