Meet Belle Ponscheck!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Belle was born at Windward Field Spaniels Kennel in Bowling Green, OH on January 18, 2010. The litter she belonged to came late which makes her official AKC registered name of “Windward’s Tardy Belle” very fitting!
- Belle’s “Dad” had always wanted a dog, but decided to wait until he retired to adopt one. Belle became a member of the Ponscheck family on May 1, 2010. She will be turning 10 years old this month, and she is still extremely active. She loves traveling in the car with her “Dad” and is welcome nearly all places he goes.
- When she was 2 years old, Belle began attending Daycare at Doggy Daycare and Spa. Belle’s Dad wanted to have a place where they were both comfortable in case he needed to board her. Belle also enjoys regular visits to the Spa at Doggy Daycare and Spa to have her beautiful coat groomed. Belle loves spending the day with the human team and all her canine friends and has rarely missed a Wednesday in 7 years.
- Belle’s favorite activity is swimming and her favorite toy is the “new one!” She spends time in the summer jumping off of docks and catching and retrieving toys all year long. She has spent time at Lake James (near Houghton Lake), Pleasant Lake and Lake Michigan near Frankfurt.
- Belle has a large repertoire of tricks, all related to begging for treats. She can shake… she can get in your face and look so soulful you can’t help but give her a treat… she can lay her head on the ottoman and do circles… all to get a treat.
- When Belle was only 7 months old, she went to see a family friend who was dying of cancer. The friend was bedridden and her Dad was worried that a young, energetic dog may be too much. Belle saw the friend in bed, jumped up next to her, laid down and snuggled. They say that it was the last time anyone saw the friend smile.
- Belle loves winter and snow. In fact, she was born in winter and the first photos ever taken of her were playing in the snow. She still loves the snow and loves taking walks with her Dad during a snow storm.
- Belle is a happy and healthy dog and for that we are all extremely grateful. Good Girl, Belle!