Meet “Ace of Spades” Bouck!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Ace is a fun-loving Goldendoodle who was born on November 26, 2017. He was
adopted by his family on February 10, 2018 after his original guardian fell ill and he
was surrendered to Gone to the Dogs Rescue. As soon as his new family met him,
they just knew he was the perfect dog for them. - The original name of “Marshmallow” just didn’t suit Ace, so his family went to work on
choosing a new one. They let Ace have a say in his new name by giving him 3
options. When he heard “Ace” he immediately perked his ears and that has been his
name ever since. - Ace absolutely loves attending Doggy Daycare and Spa. His best friend is Ami and
they are inseparable. Attending daycare gets Ace’s energy out and helps keep the
house picked up since he spends his days at home scattering toys around the house.
In fact, one day he got 18 different toys out while his Mom was at work! - Along with daycare and boarding, Ace also loves his Spa Days at Doggy Daycare and
Spa. When it is his turn for a groom, he tries to push other dogs off the grooming table
so he can jump on. Ace absolutely loves how he feels and looks after his pampering. - When he’s not hanging with the other Hip Hounds, Ace loves watching his backyard for
any wildlife. He will alert his family to any deer, ducks, chipmunks, rabbits, squirrels, or
the occasional opossum that comes into the yard. Outside, he will chase the squirrels
and yell at them to let them know he is coming outside. Usually, they throw acorns at
him while he jumps on the tree. Inside the house, he watches over the cat, Alley Cat,
and his human brother, Owen, to make sure they are all following the rules. If someone
is doing something they shouldn’t, Ace alerts his Mom right away. - While he is very much the typical doodle, Ace can also be very “cat-like” as he had 2
cat siblings that helped teach him the etiquette of being around cats when he was just
a puppy. Ace knows better than to even look at the cat food dish for fear of the
consequences. When he wants attention, he will rub up against your legs just like how
the cats do. - When its time for bed, Ace sleeps with his legs up in the air while twisted in a weird
position. He occasionally uses the wall to help keep his legs up in the air.
Ace did not make a public New Year’s Resolution, however, if he did it would probably
be that he will catch that darn chipmunk this year!