Meet Hanna Genova!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Hanna is a lab mix, who is approximately 3 years old. She was adopted from a shelter in Columbus, Ohio by her current owner’s daughter. Hanna had a rough start as a puppy going from streets to multiple shelters, but now she is with her forever home. Hanna knows she’s “living the life!”
- When Hanna was a puppy, they had a neighbor that had a dog that looked exactly like Hanna. Hanna loved to run circles around the dog until she was completely exhausted. Silly Hanna!
- Hanna became a weekly regular at the Okemos location since January 2016.
- When Hanna was adopted she had lots of anxiety and social issues. Her mom tried a boot camp for obedience and socialization, but it did not completely get rid of her issues. When Doggy Day Care opened, it was the perfect alternative! Hanna loves coming to Daycare and is much calmer at home now.
- One of Hanna’s doggy neighbor’s comes to daycare as well and they always get excited when they see each other!
- Many of Hanna’s favorite past times include going on walks. She gets to go on walks every day, as long as the weather allows. Also, the days she gets to come for daycare.
- Hanna has one favorite toy, which is a ball that has legs on it. The legs look like frog legs and she will carry it around in her mouth with the legs sticking out!
- Hanna loves going to the beach at Lake Michigan, however she’s not quite sure about the water just yet!
- This spring Hanna is looking forward to coming to Doggy Day Care of course! But, with her mom retiring they are planning on traveling to see family!