Meet Brody Dunlap-Bartlett!
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Doggy Daycare and Spa
- Prince Brody Rozey Dunlap-Bartlett is a 1-year old Standard Poodle that absolutely loves daycare day! Brody walks like a regal prince, and his owners liked that Brody as an Irish name stands for brother, because he is family. Rozey was the farm name where he was born and Dunlap-Bartlett are his mom and dad’s last names.
- Brody’s owners were looking for Standard Poodles and came across Rozey K-9 Farm. They chose Brody from his litter mates because he was the shy one and letting them crawl all over him.
- They just knew he would be social then. Brody’s new owners picked him up at 10 weeks and he stole their hearts right away. Brody has such a sweet temperament and loves almost everybody he meets.
- When Brody’s owners were deciding if they should get a puppy, they started looking for ways to help with how to raise a puppy. He would need exercise, to learn how to socialize with other dogs and a place they could trust to leave for boarding occasionally. While researching different daycares, they were so grateful, Doggy Daycare and Spa was recommended and it gave them the confidence to help with exercise, socializing grooming and boarding.
- Brody loves to run! Whether walking on the trails through the woods, on the sidewalks in the neighborhood, or on the beach, he’s raring to go, walking regally or when free, running fast! He loves to play with squeaky toys, tug a war, chewing on bones/antlers and playing with balls.
- Brody’s favorite toy is a teaser challenge ball (ball within a ball). He plays soccer by himself or carry’s it around, and tries hard to get the inside ball out. He likes to have help pushing the inner ball to the top of a hole and then carries it off to try and pull out. Most times he drops it, yet once in a while he succeeds.
- Brody shakes, jumps through a hoop, catches a ball and frisbee and loves to slide in the snow.
- Brody wants so bad to befriend a neighborhood fur friend Chance, a little 12 pound daisy dog. Chance is around 5 and isn’t interested in being good friends though. So they spend a bit of time barking and running at each other. He has a couple furry friends at the campground too, Ralphie and Murphy. Brody’s first note home from Doggy Daycare and Spa said, his new friends were Tamu, Cooper, Bruno, Teddy and Walker. So, his family has a fun routine every day he’s going to day care, saying “it’s a school day and you’re going to see all your friends, and run through the list of names plus add a couple others they’ve heard too, Sophie and Ranger.
- Brody loves to walk the trails on Sleeping Bear dunes and run the beaches in Empire, Glen Arbor and Ludington!
- Brody absolutely loves the snow. He has a place up north that Dunlap-Bartlett family rides up to every Friday night. It’s like going to Winter Wonderland for Brody. When the car door opens up, he jumps out and frolics up and down, running in big circles as fast as he can and when he finally stops, he takes a big bite of the snow and looks up at you with a BIG Smile! It’s like he’s saying, “YAY, I love it here, in Winter Wonderland!”
- Brody loves to sing, “How much is that doggy in the window, WOO WOO, the one with the waggly tail, WOO WOO, how much is that doggy in the window, WOO WOO, I do hope that doggy’s for sale! WOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOO” (He really howls on that last, woo woo)
- Brody’s happy to do more daily walks in the summer than winter. He loves that the walks are longer. This summer, he looks really forward to his daycare days, running in at full speed, barking hello to all he meets and to his weekends at the beach running and romping through the sand and water.